Do you know if you are meeting your
daily requirements for nutrition? It is nearly impossible to get everything we
need from our food because our sources are now so depleted. An example of this
can be seen with something like an apple. The nutritional equivalent of one
apple our grandparents ate is equal to about five apples that we have access to
currently. And I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t want to sit around and
munch on five apples! Are you sure of the quality of ingredients used in your
large bottle of multivitamins you purchase at your local discount store? Most
vitamins available can actually be causing more harm than good AND most of them
cannot even be properly broken down and absorbed by your body, so you are
actually just flushing money down the toilet…literally.
Do you even know what vitamins you
should be taking? So we all hear we should take a multivitamin, maybe some
vitamin D, Omega 3 fatty acids, and the list can go on, but how do we really
know what we should be taking and how much we should be taking? Should a petite
female take the same nutritional supplements as a male body-builder? Should
someone who suffers from depression take the same things as someone who is
bubbly and energetic?
Due to both my history of Lupus and
going through Chiropractic school, I have a rather large base of knowledge on
nutrition and like to carefully research products in order to better educate my
patients. I am always very skeptical to all nutritional companies because they
never end up being what they claim to be – “all natural, pure, organic, etc”. I
have personally tested the majority of the most popular products out there and
have continuously been disappointed. Until now. A pharmacist named Paul
Sullivan developed the product I am completely impressed with. Paul Sullivan,
who’s critically ill daughter inspired him to create these products for
everyone, eventually developed a complex computer algorithm that combines each
individuals personal health and lifestyle habits to devise a specific nutritional
supplement regime based on your scientifically proven needs.
I love how this company shows their
research of why you need certain nutrients so that you aren’t guessing which
supplements you need. I especially love how this product truly is organic, non-GMO,
soy free, gluten free, and casein free and they don’t try to hide any of their
ingredients. This nutrition also comes in convenient packaging pre-sorted into
AM and PM doses because some nutrients are proven to be better absorbed at
certain times of the day. If you are already on a supplement regime, you will
also find that these nutritional supplements are significantly less expensive
than the high-quality ones you can currently purchase because you aren’t paying
for all of those space-wasting bottles.
Although all of the products have
impressed me, the one most impressive, by far, has been the Omega-3 fatty acid.
Omega-3 fatty acid is a vital nutrient that we should all be taking to lower
cholesterol and blood pressure, protect your heart, ease joint pain, improve
memory, and is excellent for reversing symptoms of both autism and head
injuries. But unfortunately most sources are full of toxic mercury and by
taking most store-bought omega-3 you can be defeating the whole purpose of the
nutrient. This product has mercury free omega-3 fatty acid and is in one small
gel capsule. The other trustworthy sources I am aware of are either in a nasty
liquid form, or you have to take a large amount of huge capsules, which really
starts to add up cost each month.
You may notice a variety of health
improvements once your nutritional needs have been met. Some things I have
witnessed so far include decrease cravings, decrease PMS symptoms, improved
memory, healthier skin and hair, decreased digestive issues, better mood, less
stress/anxiety, decrease in joint/muscle aches, weight loss, improved immune
system, and more energy. IDLife also offers additional products for those
specifically looking to sleep better, have more energy, and/or lose weight.
Click the link below for the free assessment and see how IDLife can help you.
This individualized assessment will tell you what you need personally and why.
You must create a user name and password because it is HIPAA compliant. Click
here to take assessment: IDLifeAssessment
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