Thursday, March 13, 2014

Vaccines. Decide for yourself

The traumatic stories on the effects of vaccines are endless. My personal experience with vaccines isn’t comparable at all to the stories I've heard from both patients and acquaintances.  I remember just like yesterday, going in for some routine vaccines when I was 6 years old. One of the vaccines I received that day was the tetanus booster, which I received in my right arm. The moment that the Doctor injected me, I immediately was in pain. Over the next 10 minutes, the pain spread from the injection spot all the way down my arm and up into my neck and back. I remember being hunched over, unable to move for the remainder of the day. My mom took me to the grocery store afterwards, to get a pain reliever because I wouldn’t stop crying, but it didn't help. I remember not even being able to walk through the store because my legs had gotten so weak. I knew what I was feeling wasn't normal, but we simply had done what the Doctor recommended and because we knew no different. Sometimes I think this vaccine may have played a small roll in my autoimmune disease, but God only knows. That was the last vaccine I have ever received or ever will receive.

I feel bad for my previous OBGYN whom I went to for many years. She should have really made a note on my chart so she didn’t have to be rejected every year to try to sway me to get the HPV vaccine Gardasil, among other things. Every year it was the same; she would try to tell me the “dangers” of not receiving the vaccine and I would tell her it was far more dangerous not only for an immunocompromised person to get the vaccine, but that a healthy individual will fight off the virus, if received, anyway. I gave her the whole rundown of what is really in the vaccine, how it hasn’t been effectively studied, and how it can cause more harm than good. The funny thing is…she would agree with me every time…yet she continues to give the vaccine to all of her other patients. I currently have one patient, in particular, who has had a wide range of serious health problems since receiving the HPV vaccine. She has missed so many days of school that her mom has now been forced to homeschool her. The girls Medical Doctor won’t even report her case, saying that it is a “coincidence” she developed these debilitating health problems the next day after receiving the first HPV vaccine. Thankfully, she didn’t complete the series. Who knows what would have happened.

Aside from the fact that I have done a lot of research on vaccines over the years, which causes me to disagree with them completely, common sense shows they are unnecessary and counterproductive. Why would you get the flu vaccine, for instance, if it makes you get the flu anyways? I understand this is not 100% the case…but for the majority of people I know who get it, it is. Also, when you get vaccines, you shed the vaccine for several days or longer, depending on which one it is. So you get a vaccine, you end up getting the flu, and you give the flu to your unvaccinated friend (or your Chiropractor). Makes no sense to me. There are many ways to prevent getting the flu that naturally have no side effects. Washing your hands, for instance. Loading up on fresh produce that contain vitamin C, eating garlic, and staying away from processed sugars are just a few things to start with that will strengthen your immune system.

Being educated about different vaccines, instead of simply receiving just what the Doctor tells you what you are getting, is very important. Medical Doctors often push for ones to get that don’t even make sense, like the Hepatitis B vaccines for newborns even if there is no possibility for the mother to have Hepatitis B. The only other way the baby could get it is through intravenous drug use or sex with someone who has Hepatitis B…yah…a baby. My family laughs at the craziness of when my sister was younger and stepped on a horseshoe nail. Our Doctor, at the time, insisted on her getting the tetanus vaccine because “she could get tetanus from the nail”. Well did you know that the tetanus vaccine can’t treat existing tetanus that is already in the blood stream? It can only prevent tetanus in the near future.  It is also ridiculous to assume all women have an STD and to let babies suffer through silver nitrate drops the moment they are born, which is the only reason for the drops to be used for. These drops burn very badly and cause you to go blind, lasting for hours.

Immunizations have had their benefits in history and differ from vaccines. Immunizations introduce a pathogen to the body so it will later recognize that pathogen and attack it in later exposures through a pathway that the body would normally be exposed to. Vaccines, however, are an injectable cocktail of the intended pathogen along with a host of toxins such as thimerosal (mercury), aluminum, formaldehyde, and genetic material from both humans and animals, among other things. Deciding whether or not you choose to vaccinate is a decision you must make for yourself. I am not here to give you research statistics or even try to sway you to one way or the other. I just want you to be informed and to spark your curiosity for more research. Facts are facts though. Many diseases were eradicated once proper cleanliness, nutrition, and better living conditions were introduced, not because of vaccines. Conventional medicine teaches that Polio and Smallpox epidemics, for example, were brought down due to vaccines, when in fact, there are a significant number of studies in Medical journals that show this wasn’t the case and that these were actually eradicated BEFORE antibiotics and vaccines were introduced.

No matter what your decision is regarding whether or not to receive vaccines, they have changed significantly over the years, both in quantity and quality. Vaccines are moneymakers and the slim benefits of them will be exaggerated to get patients to receive as many as possible to bring in the biggest buck. At least make your decision an educated one and if you feel that some vaccines are still necessary, in your opinion, try choosing an alternate schedule that allows you or your child plenty of time to recover between vaccines, instead of exposing your body to them all at once.

Medical Doctors are now even questioning the use of vaccines; this is a great interview

‘The Greater Good’ is a great documentary worth watching and ‘What your Doctor may not tell you about your children’s vaccines’ by Stephanie Cave is a great book. Feel free to ask for any more resources and I will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.

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